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Unsere angebotetenen Aktivitäten im Dinara Ubud fokussieren sich auf Balis kulturelle und künstlerische Herkunft und Tradition. Begrüssen sie den Tag mit sanften Dehn- und kontrollierten Atemübungen bei unserer Yogasitzung in den frühen Morgenstunden. Der lehrreiche Dinara Kochkurs enthüllt das Geheimnis der authentischen balinesischen Küche.
A purification ritual is part of Bali’s Hindu heritage to cleanse the body, mind and spirit from any accumulated negativity. You will visit a sacred temple sight and bath in a holy pond fed by
To learn more about local food, we host an interactive cooking class that demonstrates how to prepare a number of flavourful dishes. It touches on the use of different spices, roots and leaves that are
For a positive start to the day, feel free to gather at our breezy Yoga Shala for a guided session of yoga conducted before breakfast. This early morning class involves gentle stretches and controlled breathing
Made from woven palm fronds filled with coloured flower petals, offerings are an essential part of Bali’s Hindu religion. They are used to appease the gods during times of prayer as well as for ritual